Is Ignite Life Church affiliated with anyone?
Yes. We are a voluntary, cooperating member of the American Baptist Churches of the Cornerstone Association, American Baptist Churches of the Dakotas (ABCD) and of the American Baptist Churches in the USA (ABC-USA).

What do you believe?
We believe in Jesus and the truths found in His Holy Word—the Bible. For a more detailed look at our beliefs, you can check them out here: or

Where do you meet and what time?
Ignite Life Church
512 East 5th Street
 Dell Rapids, SD  57022
(605) 428-3756

4:00 pm ReFuel Groups for ages Pre-K to Adult (during the school year)
5:00 pm Worship
6:00 pm Fellowship Meal

7:00 pm Ignite Prayer Team

Weekly Life Groups:
Because just like life, our Life groups change to meet the needs of our families. Please call the church for current Life Groups, times, days of the week and locations.

How do I find out more about Ignite Life Church?
Call the church office (605) 428-3756 and ask for Pastor Melissa. She would love to meet you for coffee and answer all of your questions. And of course, you are welcome to worship with us on Sundays. When you are ready to join our church as a member, you can schedule a time to meet with our pastor and leadership team for a membership class.

How do I get plugged into the church and it’s ministry?
Once you decide on the ministry in which you want to serve, visit with Pastor Melissa or one of our leaders so they can help you connect.

Do you have a children’s church? If so, what ages?
Yes. We encourage families to worship together during the service through music, testimony, and prayer. We offer an opportunity for children Pre-K to 4th grade to receive their own time of teaching during the sermon time if parents desire. They are not required to attend children’s church, but it is an option. Otherwise, we have children’s “busy bags” located at the sanctuary entrance for use during worship. We also have an area located in the back of our sanctuary with a viewing window and sound for parents with babies and younger children who need a little more space during worship.

What can I expect at a normal Sunday Worship Experience?
Just come as you are. Join us for ReFuel classes to get filled back up.  Dive into the Word a little bit deeper, connect with others, and grow together. The coffee is always on! Stay for worship. We believe there is power in testimony and prayer. We have a time for “God Sightings” for sharing what God is doing in your life or ways you have “seen” Him during the past week. We also encourage prayer requests to be shared with the Body so that we can come together in prayer. Of course, these times are open but engage at your own comfort level. Expect to encounter the Living God through music and an inspiring message with life applications. Stay for a meal and fellowship to conclude our time together. We believe that sharing in a meal together strengthens our friendships with one another. Leave refreshed and recharged ready to take on a new week!