~ We are a Christian church and Jesus is the reason we do all that we do. We believe He is the only Son of God and He willingly gave His life on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins. We believe He rose from the dead and is seated at the right hand of God in Heaven. We believe that He is coming back someday to take us to Heaven to be with Him forever. It is because of Him and through our relationship with Him that we also have a relationship with God the Father and His Holy Spirit.


~ All people matter to God and we are called to love our neighbor as ourselves. Because of that love, we value helping others to have a personal relationship with Jesus. We also understand that relationships can be difficult at times and we don’t always agree with one another. But, that doesn’t change the fact that we are still called to love. We are all sinners who need Jesus. Therefore, we value living out the true meanings of love, mercy, forgiveness, and grace.


~ We uphold Biblical truth and believe that the Bible is God’s revelation of Himself. We value the Word of God and the importance of Bible-centered preaching and teaching. We also value making the Word of God a daily part of our lives, whether at home, at work, or at school. We believe that God’s Word is alive and is able to change hearts and lives. We are committed to the Bible as the very Word of God and it is our final authority for rule and practice.


~ We believe that prayer is our lifeline to God. Therefore, we value personal prayer time and intercessory prayer for our community. We also believe that because of our intimacy developed during prayer time with the LORD, our hearts will overflow with worship and praise. We value the sincere worship of the One True God.


~ We believe that the Church is the living body of Jesus in the world. Because we are alive in Christ we are meant to continue to grow in a healthy manner. We value growing in our relationship as Christ followers with Jesus and with each other. We also value being open, honest and real about our faith. We value coming alongside each other to encourage and support one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. And, we value accountability with our commitments to Jesus and His Church. Our goal is to help others become fully devoted to Jesus and His Church.


~ We believe that when you love Jesus you also love His people. Because we are the hands and feet of Jesus in this world, we value looking for ways to meet the needs of our community. We believe that God blesses everyone with talents and gifts and those are meant to be shared with others. This comes in various forms of missional outreach within the Church Body, the community, and our world. Therefore, we value developing servant hearts in our relationships and with our leadership.

For more information on what we believe as a church, please click onto the following links: