Jesus said in John 10:10: “I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly.”

We desire to help people experience the type of life that Jesus wants to give them.  Our mission is to IGNITE Life for Jesus through Purpose, Passion, and Prayer.

To catch fire or cause to catch fire. To light, set fire to, or set on fire. To arouse or inflame.

Living things and their activity.A particular type or aspect of people’s existence.Vitality, vigor, or energy.

Burning Hearts, IGNITED LifeThere are three things that are needed to start a fire: Heat, Fuel, and Oxygen. Without one of them, the fire simply will not burn. But, when all three are present, it only takes a spark to get a fire going. And, when used properly, that fire has purpose…to bring warmth, to give light, to refine, to purify…in essence, to bring new life. 

We realize that the FIRE on the inside affects everything on the outside. If there is no fire inside of you, you CANNOT be the spark to get a fire going inside someone else. A fire either spreads or it burns out. But, with the right elements, a fire will spread rapidly and vastly. The same is true for us…we desire to do everything as a church with Purpose, full of Passion, and bathed in Prayer so that God can use us to IGNITE Life in our community.

We are to fan the flame of the gifts God has given us and we are to guard that which He has entrusted to us. So, guard the flame within you. 
That is our mission—to Ignite Life for Jesus! Just as with a fire, there are three things that are needed to Ignite Life in the hearts of the people: Purpose, Passion, and Prayer. The reason we exist is to Ignite Life for Jesus in the hearts of people through Purpose, Passion, and Prayer.