Everything we do begins with LOVE—love for God and love for His people. Love should be the reason we do everything. Therefore, our PURPOSE is to LOVE God and His people. This is the PURPOSE of doing everything in our ministry. If we are attempting to do something, but it is not being done in LOVE or its PURPOSE is not geared to IGNITE Life in the heart of another, we simply will not do it. It must fit in with the PURPOSE of IGNITING Life. So, just as HEAT is transferred from the flames of a fire, our love IGNITES hope and spreads joy to a hurting and broken world.


Relationships are vital to our health and growth. We were never meant to do life alone. As we grow closer to God, we grow closer to each other. And, when our hearts are in alignment with the LORD’s we will be driven by a PASSION to serve others. Our relationships serve as FUEL to spread the fire of Jesus’ love within our community. This means, that we are committed to each other as the Body of Christ and that our relationships are a testimony of faith to the community around us. This inspires us to serve and passionately use the gifts and talents that God has given us to be the hands and feet of Christ.


Because of our dependence on God is vital for everything we do, prayer is our lifeline to the Father. Prayer is essential in our relationship with our Father in Heaven and it stirs our hearts to worship the Lord to bring glory to His name. 

A lit candle needs to draw oxygen from the air in order to continue burning. If you limit the amount of air available, the candle’s flame eventually goes out once it uses up all the oxygen. The same is true with us. We must continue to draw help from the Father by drawing on His leading and guiding. And, this is only done through PRAYER. Not only individually, in the comfort of our own homes…but corporately as well.